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OLCOTT, Frances J. and Amena Pendleton [1881?-1976?], The Jolly
Book for Boys and Girls, Houghton Mifflin, 1915
ORLEANS, Charlotte-Elisabeth [1652-1722], Memoirs of the Court of Louis XIV and the Regency, L C Page, 1899
Red "Court Memoir" series binding (part of a 20-volume set)
ORTH, L. E. (Lizette Emma) [1858-1913], Mother
Goose Songs Without Words, Oliver Ditson, 1897
OTIS, James (pseudonym of James Otis Kaler) [1848-1912], Boston Boys of 1775, Dana Estes,
OTIS, James [1848-1912], The Boys of 1745 at the Capture of Louisburg, Dana
Estes, 1895
OTIS, James, The Boys of '98, Dana
Estes, 1898
OTIS, James, The Boys of Fort Schuyler, Estes & Lauriat, 1897/L C Page
[ Attribution: unsigned ]
OTIS,James, Defending the Island,
Dana Estes, 1904
OTIS, James, Ezra Jordan's Escape from the Massacre at Fort Loyall,
Dana Estes, 1895
OTIS, James, An Island Refuge: Casco
Bay in 1676, Dana Estes, 1895/1898
James, The Minute Boys of Boston, Dana Estes, 1910/L C Page, 1926
[ Attribution: unsigned ]
OTIS, James, The Minute Boys of
Long Island, Dana Estes, 1908/L C Page, 1927
OTIS, James, The Minute Boys of
New York City, Dana Estes, 1909/L C Page, 1926
OTIS, James, The Minute Boys of Philadelphia, Dana Estes, 1911
OTIS, James, The Minute Boys of
South Carolina, Dana Estes, 1907
OTIS, James, The Minute Boys of the
Green Mountains, Dana Estes, 1904
OTIS, James, The Minute Boys of the
Mohawk Valley, Dana Estes, 1905/L C Page, 1926
OTIS, James, The Minute Boys of the Wyoming Valley, Dana Estes, 1906
OTIS, James, The Minute Boys of York Town, Dana Estes, 1912
OTIS, James, Off Santiago with Sampson, Dana Estes, 1899
OTIS, James, The Princess and Joe Potter, Dana Estes/Estes & Lauriat, 1898 / L C Page, 1926
OTIS, James, The Signal Boys of '75, Dana Estes, 1897
OTIS, James, Under the Liberty Tree,
Dana Estes, 1896
Design matches "An Island Refuge"
OTIS, James, When Dewey came to
Manila, or Among the Filipinos, Dana Estes, 1899
OTIS, James, When Israel Putnam Served the King, Dana Estes, 1899
OTIS, James, When We Destroyed the Gaspee: a Story of Narragansett Bay in
1772, Dana Estes, 1901
OTIS, James, The Wreck of the Circus, Crowell, 1897
OXLEY, James Macdonald [1855-1907], Fife and Drum at
Louisbourg, Little, Brown/ Musson (Toronto)/ Morang (Toronto), 1899
PAGET, R. L. (ie., Frederic L. Knowles)
ed., Cap and Gown in Prose, L C Page, 1900
Vivid red (C11) calico grain cloth; gilt lettered scroll held by woman and man in academic regalia in black, the woman holding a lute, the man two golf clubs, all within black single rule border [variant: “Harvard” in a pennant at bottom of the cover.]
PAGET, R. L. (ie., Frederic L. Knowles),
ed., Poems of American Patriotism, 1776-1898, L C Page, 1898
PAGET, R. L. (ie., Frederic L. Knowles),
ed., The Poetry of American Wit and Humor, L C Page, 1899
Cream cloth (or red or green), border in dark green, decoration in green and gilt. A garland of gilt roses, gilt theater masks with leaves in green surround shield depicting stylized eagle. Title in gilt on spine; garland motif repeated.
PANGBORN, Frederic W. [1855-1934 ?], The Silent
Maid, L C Page, 1903
"PANSY" (pseudonym of Isabella M. Alden) [1841-1930], By Way of the
Wilderness, Lothrop, 1899
PARKMAN, Francis [1823-1893], Pioneers of France in the New World, Little, Brown, 1907
PARLOA, Maria, Miss Parloa's New Cook Book and Marketing Guide, Dana Estes, 1908 (L C Page, later?)
PATCH, Kate Whiting [1870-1909], Prince Yellowtop,
L C Page, 1903
PATTON, James Blythe (pseudonym of Edmund White), Bijli the Dancer, L C Page, 1898
PAULL, Minnie E. [1859-1895], Ruby at School, L C Page, 1898/Cupples and Leon, 1917
ALSO, other titles in the "Ruby and Ruthy" series.
PEREFIXE, Hardouin de Beaumont de [1606-1671],
Historic Memoirs of Henri IV, L C Page, 1899
Red "Court Memoir" series binding (part of a 20-volume set)
PERKINS, Clara Crawford, French Cathedrals
and Chateaux (vols 1 and 2), Knight and Millet, 1903
PIER, Arthur S. [1874-1966], The Young in Heart,
Houghton Mifflin, 1907
PORTER, Jermain G. [b. 1852], The Stars
in Song and Legend, Ginn and Co., 1902
POTTER, Mary Knight [d. 1915], The Art of the Venice Academy, L C Page, 1905
POTTER, Mary Knight [d. 1915], Love in Art,
L C Page, 1898
PRESCOTT, E. Livingston (Edith K. Spicer-Jay) [1847?-1901], A
Small, Small Child, L C Page, 1905
RAY, Anna Chapin [1865-1945], By the Good Sainte Anne: a Tale of Modern Quebec, Little,
Brown, 1904 (also Toronto: Musson)
RAY, Anna Chapin [1865-1945],
The Dominant Strain, Little, Brown, 1903
RAY, Anna Chapin [1865-1945], Each Life Unfulfilled,
Little, Brown, 1899
RAY, Anna Chapin [1865-1945], Nathalie’s Sister,
Little, Brown, 1904
RAY, Anna Chapin [1865-1945], Teddy, Her Daughter, Little, Brown, 1901
RECAMIER, Jeanne Françoise . . . [1777-1849], Memoirs and Correspondence of Madame Récamier, Knight and Millet, 1901
REED, Helen Leah [1860-1926], Amy in Acadia: a Story for Girls, Little, Brown, 1905
REED, Helen Leah [1860-1926], Brenda's Ward: a Sequel
to "Amy in Acadia", Little, Brown, 1906
REED, Helen Leah [1860-1926], Memorial Day, De Wolfe and Fiske, 1917
RETZ, Cardinal de [1613-1679], Memoirs of Jean
François Paul de Gondi, Cardinal de Retz, L C Page, 1899
Red "Court Memoir" series binding (part of a 20-volume set)
RICHARDS, Laura E. [1850-1943], Hildegarde's
Harvest, Dana Estes, 1897
RICHARDS, Laura E. [1850-1943], Hildegarde's Holiday,
Dana Estes, 1895 (?)
RICHARDS, Laura E. [1850-1943], Hildegarde's Home, Dana Estes, 1892/1895?
RICHARDS, Laura E. [1850-1943], Hildegarde's Neighbors, Dana Estes, 1895
RICHARDS, Laura E. [1850-1943], The Joyous Story of Toto, Little, Brown, 1901
RICHARDS, Laura E. [1850-1943], Love and Rocks,
Estes and Lauriat, 1898
RICHARDS, Laura E. [1850-1943], More Five Minute Stories, Dana Estes, 1903
RICHARDS, Laura E. [1850-1943], Queen Hildegarde, Dana Estes, 1895 (?)
RICHARDS, Laura E. [1850-1943], Toto's Merry Winter, Little, Brown, 1905 [?]
Frederic H. and Thomas Tapper, A Short Course in Music, American Book Co.
ROBERTS, Charles G. D. [1860-1943], Barbara Ladd, LC Page, 1902
[same design as Strang titles]
ROBERTS, Charles G. D. [1860-1943], The House in the Water: a Book of Animal Stories, L C Page, 1908
Attribution: unsigned ]
ROBERTS, Charles G. D. [1860-1943], The Kindred of the Wild, L C Page/Copp, Clark (Toronto), 1902
ROBERTS, Charles G. D. [1860-1943], The Prisoner
of Mademoiselle, L C Page/Grosset & Dunlap/Copp, Clark (Toronto), 1904
[same design as Strang titles]
ROBERTS, Charles G. D. [1860-1943], Red Fox, L C Page, 1905
Attribution: unsigned ]
ROBERTS, Charles G. D. [1860-1943], The Watchers of the Trails, L C Page/A Wessels/Copp, Clark (Toronto), 1904
ROBERTS, Morley [1857-1942], Lady Penelope: an Extravaganza, LC Page, 1904/1905
ROBERTS, Morley [1857-1942], Rachel Marr, L C
Page, 1904
ROBERTS, Theodore Goodridge [1877-1953], Hemming, the Adventurer, L C Page, 1904
ROBINSON, Edith [1858-?], A Little Puritan
Rebel, L C Page, 1898
ROBINSON, Edith [1858-?], A Little Puritan's First Christmas, L C Page, 1900
ROBINSON, Edith [1858-?], A Loyal Little
Maid, L C Page 1896
Henrietta G. [1835-1910], A Maid of Bar Harbor, Little, Brown, 1902/1904
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