to B C-I
Title List of Sacker Bindings
Amy Sacker (1872-1965) created striking covers for over 345 books during her career. They reflect a variety of styles, from simple pictorial designs to elegant.
On this and subsequent pages you will find them listed in alphabetical order by author, with an indication [ ] that pictures and additional information are available. Full disclosure: some blemishes have been removed from some of the images, but in no way have the designs been altered in any case.
Although I have attributed a number of unsigned covers to Amy, there remain quite a few books that may be by her. I have created a new page where I will place those covers, and where we can discuss whether they seem to be Sacker designs to others who view them.
You can now follow the NEXT TITLE buttons on each page to browse all
the available images!]
ADAMS. Oscar Fay [1855-1919], Some Famous American Schools, Dana Estes, 1903
ADDISON, Julia de Wolf, The Art of the National Gallery, L C Page/Copp, Clark (Toronto), 1905
ADDISON, Julia de Wolf, Florestane the Troubadour, Dana Estes, 1903
AGNUS, Orme [1866-1919], Sarah Tuldon: a Woman Who Had her Way, Little, Brown, 1903
ALCOTT, Louisa May [1832-1888], Eight Cousins,
Little, Brown, 1904
ALCOTT, Louisa May [1832-1888], A Garland for Girls, Little, Brown, 1905
ALCOTT, Louisa May [1832-1888], A Hole in the Wall, Little, Brown, 1899
Signed DJ with design from cover
ALCOTT, Louisa May [1832-1888], Jack and Jill, Little, Brown, 1902
ALCOTT, Louisa May [1832-1888], Jo's Boys, Little,
Brown, 1903
ALCOTT, Louisa May [1832-1888], Little Men, Little, Brown, 1901
ALCOTT, Louisa May [1832-1888], Little Women,
Little, Brown, 1901 [?]
ALCOTT, Louisa May [1832-1888], Louisa Alcott Reader, Little, Brown 1908 (link to Hole in the Wall--same design)
ALCOTT, Louisa May [1832-1888], May Flowers, Little, Brown, 1899
[ Attribution: unsigned ]
ALCOTT, Louisa May [1832-1888], My Boys, Little, Brown, 1905
ALCOTT, Louisa May [1832-1888], My Girls, Little, Brown, 1903
ALCOTT, Louisa May [1832-1888], An Old-Fashioned Girl, Little, Brown, 1902
Unsigned DJ with design from cover
ALCOTT, Louisa May [1832-1888], Proverb
Stories, Little, Brown, 1908
ALCOTT, Louisa May [1832-1888], Rose in Bloom, Little, Brown, 1904 [?]
ALCOTT, Louisa May [1832-1888], Silver Pitchers, Little, Brown, 1908 [?]
ALCOTT, Louisa May [1832-1888], Spinning Wheel Stories, Little, Brown, 1908
ALCOTT, Louisa May [1832-1888], Under the Lilacs, Little, Brown, 1905 [?]
ALLEN, Grant [1848-1899], Belgium: its Cities (vol I & 2), L C Page, 1903.
ALLEN, Willis Boyd [1855-1938], The Pineboro Quartette, Estes and Lauriat, 1898
ANDREWS, Jane [1833-1887, Seven Little Sisters Who Live on the Round Ball that Floats in the Air, Ginn and Co., 1902
ARCHIBALD, Mrs. George [1854-1928], A Dozen
Good Times, Lothrop Publishing, 1898
ARCHIBALD, Mrs. George [1854-1928], Lady Gay, Lothrop Publishing, 1898
BABCOCK, Charlotte Farrington, Echoes, Four Seas Publishing, 1927
BACON, Edwin [1844-1916], Historic Pilgrimages in New England, Silver, Burdett and Co.,
BACON, Edwin [1844-1916], Literary Pilgrimages in New England, Silver, Burdett and Co., 1902
BALFOUR, Andrew [1873-1931], To Arms, L
C Page, 1898
BALZAC, Honoré de [1799-1850], The Country Doctor, [La Comédie Humaine--Pocket Balzac]
Little, Brown, 1900 (?)
Series binding, spine only (part of a large set)
BARING-GOULD, Sabine [1834-1924], Winefred: a Story of the Chalk Cliffs, L C Page, 1900
BARRETT, Wilson [1848-1904] and Elwyn Barron, In Old New York: a romance, L C Page, 1899
BARRON, Elwyn [1855-1929], Manders, L C Page, 1899
BELDEN, Jessie Perry van Zile [1857-1910], Antonia, L C Page, 1901
BELL, Lilian [1867-1929], Abroad with the Jimmies, L C Page/A. Wessels, 1902
BELL, Lilian [1867-1929], At Home with the Jardines, L C Page/A. Wessels, 1904
BELL, Lilian [1867-1929], Hope Loring, L C Page, 1902
BELL, Lilian [1867-1929], The Interference of Patricia, L C Page, 1903
BENTON, Caroline F. (pseudonym of Caroline Frances (Benedict) Burrell), A Little Cook Book for a Little Girl, Dana Estes, 1905
BENTON, Caroline F. (pseudonym of Caroline Frances (Benedict) Burrell), Living
on a Little, Dana Estes, 1908
BENTON, Caroline F. (pseudonym of Caroline Frances (Benedict) Burrell), Saturday
Mornings, Dana Estes, 1906
BLAISDELL, Albert F. [1847-1927] and Francis
K. Ball [1863-1942], Hero Stories from American History, Ginn, 1903
BLAISDELL, Albert F. [1847-1927] and Francis
K. Ball [1863-1942], Short Stories from American History, Ginn, 1905
BLANCHARD, Amy [1856-1926], A Journey of Joy, Dana Estes, 1908
BOGGS, Sara E. [1843-?], Sandpeep, Little, Brown, 1906
BONEHILL, Capt. Ralph (pseudonym of
Stratemeyer) [1862-1930], Under Scott in Mexico. Dana Estes, 1902
BRIMBLECOM, Charles E., The Young Archer, L C Page, 1893 (1898)
BROOKS, Elbridge Streeter (1846-1902), The American Sailor, Lothrop, 1899
BROOKS, Elbridge Streeter (1846-1902), The American Soldier, Lothrop, 1899
BROOKS, Elbridge Streeter (1846-1902), In Blue and White, Lothrop, 1899
BROWN, John, Memoirs of the Courts
of Sweden and Denmark during the reigns of Christian VII of Denmark and Gustavus
III and IV of Sweden (2
vols.), L C Page, 1900
Red "Court Memoir"
series binding (part of a 20-volume set)
BROWN, John [1810-1882], Rab and His Friends, L C Page, 1896 (1906)
BROWNE, G. Waldo [1876-1954], Two American Boys in Hawaii, Dana Estes, 1899
BUTTERWORTH, Hezekiah [1839-1905], Traveler Tales
of South Africa, Dana Estes, 1900
BUTTERWORTH, Hezekiah [1839-1905], Zigzag Journeys in the Orient, Estes and Lauriat, 1904
Sacker designed a series binding for all 17 titles in the series.
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Sacker by Mark
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