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JACKSON, Catherine Charlotte [1813/14-1891], The
Court of France in the Sixteenth Century, 1514-1559, 2 volumes, Joseph Knight/L C Page, 1896
(image coming)
JACKSON, Catherine Charlotte [1813/14-1891], The Court of the Tuileries: from the Restoration
to the Flight of Louis Philippe, 2 volumes, Joseph Knight, 1896/L C Page, 1897
JACKSON, Catherine Charlotte [1813/14-1891], First of the Bourbons, 1589-1595, 2 volumes, Joseph Knight, 1896/L C Page,
(image coming)
JACKSON, Catherine Charlotte [1813/14-1891], The French Court and Society: the Reign of Louis
XVI and the First Empire, 2 volumes, L C Page, 1897
(image coming)
JACKSON, Catherine Charlotte [1813/14-1891], The Last of the Valois and the Accession
of Henry of Navarre, 1559-1589, 2 volumes, Joseph Knight, 1896/L C Page, 1897
JACKSON, Catherine Charlotte [1813/14-1891], Old Paris: its Court and Literary Salons, 2 volumes,
Joseph Knight, 1895
JACKSON, Catherine Charlotte [1813/14-1891], The Old Regime: Court. Salons and Theatres, 2 volumes,
Joseph Knight, 1896
JACKSON, Helen Hunt [1830-1885, Ramona, Little, Brown, 1900
"Monterey Edition"
JESSE, John Heneage [1809-1874], Historical and Literary
Memorials of the City of London (2 vols.), L C Page, 1901
JESSE, John H., Memoirs of Celebrated Etonians (2 vols.), L C Page, 1902,
JESSE, John H., Memoirs of George Selwyn and his Contemporaries (4 vols.),
L C Page, 1902
JESSE, John H., Memoirs of King George the Third, his Life and Reign (5 vols.),
L C Page, 1902
JESSE, John H., Memoirs of King Richard the Third and Some of his Contemporaries,
L C Page, 1902
JESSE, John H., Memoirs of the City of London and its Celebrities (3 vols.),
L C Page, 1902
JESSE, John H., Memoirs of the Court
of England During the Reigns of the Stuarts . . . (6 vols.), L C Page, 1901
JESSE, John H., Memoirs of the Court
of England During the Reigns of William and Mary, Queen Anne, . . . (4 vols.),
L C Page, 1901
JESSE, John H., Memoirs of the Pretenders and their Adherents (3 vols.), LC
Page, 1901
JOHNSTON, Annie Fellows [1863-1931], The Little Colonel at Boarding-School, L C Page, 1903
JOHNSTON, Annie F., The Litle Colonel in Arizona, L C Page, 1904
JOHNSTON, Annie F., The Little Colonel Stories, L C Page, 1899
JOHNSTON, Annie F., The Little Colonel’s
Christmas Vacation, L C Page, 1905
JOHNSTON, Annie F., The Little Colonel’s
Hero, L C Page, 1902
JOHNSTON, Annie F., The Little Colonel’s
Holidays, L C Page, 1901
JOHNSTON, Annie F., The Little Colonel’s House Party, L C Page, 1900
JOHNSTON, Annie F., Mary Ware in Texas,
L C Page, 1910
JOHNSTON, Annie F., Ole Mammy’s Torment, L C Page, 1897
JÓKAI, Mór (Maurus) [1825-1904], The Baron’s
Sons, a Romance of the Hungarian Revolution of 1848, John Macqueen (London)/L
C Page, 1900
KEEN, Adelaide, With A Saucepan Over the Sea: Quaint and Delicious Recipes from the Kitchens of
Foreign Countries, Little, Brown, 1902
KELLEY, Lilla Elizabeth, Three Hundred
Things a Bright Girl Can Do, Dana Estes, 1903
KENNEDY, William Sloane, In Portia's Gardens, Knight and Millet, 1897
KINGSLEY, Charles [1819-1875], Westward Ho!, Joseph Knight, 1900 [?]
KIRKLAND, Caroline [1865-1930], Some African Highways,
Dana Estes, 1908
KNOWLES, Frederic L., Cap and Gown: a Treasury of College Verse, L C Page, 1897/1906
KNOWLES, Frederic L., Cap and Gown:
Second Series of College Verse, L C Page, 1897
KNOX, Jessie Juliet, Little Almond Blossoms, Little, Brown, 1904
LAHEE, Henry C. [1856-1953], The Organ and its
Masters, L C Page, 1902
LAWRENCE, Albert Lathrop The Wolverine:
a Romance of Early Michigan, Little, Brown, 1904
LE BARON, Grace [1845-1916], 'Twixt You and Me, Little, Brown, 1898
LENORMANT, Amélie Cyvoct [1804-1893], Madame Récamier and Her Friends, Knight & Millet, 1901
LEONARD, Mary F., The Candle and the Cat, Crowell, 1901
LEONARD, Mary F., Half a Dozen Thinking Caps, Crowell, 1900
[ Attribution: unsigned ]
LOVER, Samuel, Rory O'More, Little, Brown, 1901
Part of the multi-volume "The Novels of Samuel Lover: Handy
Library Edition"
MACKIE. Pauline Bradford [b. 1873], The Story of Kate, L C Page, 1902
MACKIE. Pauline Bradford [b. 1873], Ye Lyttle Salem Maide: a Story of Witchcraft,
L C Page, 1901
MAGRUDER, Julia [1854-1907], A Sunny Southerner, L C Page, 1909
MARGUERITE DE VALOIS [1553-1615], Memoirs of Marguerite de Valois, Queen of Navarre, L
C Page, 1899
Red "Court Memoir" series binding (part of a 20-volume set)
MARRYAT, Frederick [1792-1848], The Story of Little Peter, Dana Estes, 1904
MARTIN, Ewan, The Knight of King's Guard, L C Page, 1899
MASSON, Charles Francois Philibert [1761-1807], Memoirs of Catherine
II and the Historic Court of St. Petersburg . . . , L
C Page, 1900
Red "Court Memoir" series binding (part of a 20-volume set
McCALL, Sidney (pseudonym of Mary
Fenollosa) [1865-1954], The Breath of the Gods, Little, Brown, 1905
McCALL, Sidney [1865-1954], Truth Dexter, Little,
Brown, 1901/C. Arthur Pearson (London), 1901
MEADE, L. T. , Me and My Dolls,
Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, 1898
MEREDITH, Ellis, The Master-knot of Human Fate, Little, Brown, 1901
MEREDITH, Ellis, Under the Harrow, Little, Brown, 1907
MISS MULOCK (see Craik, Dinah)
MILECETE, Helen, A Detached Pirate:
the Romance of Gay Vandeleur, Little, Brown, 1903
MIRABEAU, Count, Memoirs of the Court of Berlin (2 vols.), L C Page, 1900
Red "Court Memoir" series binding (part of a 20-volume set)
MONTESPAN, Marquise de, Memoirs
of Madame de Montespan (2 vols.), L C Page, 1899
Red "Court Memoir" series binding (part of a 20-volume set)
MORRISON, Mary W., Stories True &
Fancies New, Dana Estes, 1898
MOULTON, Louise Chandler [1835-1908], More
Bed-Time Stories, Little, Brown, 1901
MOWRY, William A., American Heroes and Heroism, Silver, Burdett, 1903
MOWRY, William A., American Pioneers,
Silver, Burdett, 1905
MULETS, Lenore Elizabeth, Bird Stories,
L C Page, 1903
MULETS, Lenore Elizabeth, Flower Stories,
L C Page, 1903
MULETS, Lenore Elizabeth, Insect Stories,
L C Page, 1903
MULETS, Lenore Elizabeth, Stories of Big Animals, L C Page, 1913
MULETS, Lenore Elizabeth, Stories of Little Animals, L C Page, 1904
MULETS, Lenore Elizabeth, Stories of Little
Fishes, L C Page, 1905
MULETS, Lenore Elizabeth, Tree Stories,
L C Page/Copp. Clark (Toronto), 1904
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