indicates a link to an image of the cover, and sometimes other information
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SAND, George, The Snow Man, Little, Brown, 1898 (?)
Attribution: unsigned ]
SAUNDERS, (Margaret) Marshall [1861-1947], Her Sailor: A Love Story, L C Page, 1900
SAUNDERS, (Margaret) Marshall [1861-1947], The Story of the
Gravelys: a Story for Girls, L C Page, 1904
SCOLLARD, Clinton [1860-1932],
The Cloistering of Ursula, L C Page, 1902
SEAWELL, Molly Elliot [1860-1916], The Great Scoop, L C Page, 1903
SEWELL, Anna [1820-1878], Black Beauty, L C Page, 1900
Attribution: unsigned ]
SHATTUCK, William, The Secret of the Black Butte, Little, Brown,
1905 (?)
SHAW, Flora L. (1852-1929), Hector, Little, Brown, 1906 (?)
SHELDON, Mary Boardman, One Thousand Men for a Christmas Present, Estes and Lauriat,
SHELLEY, Henry C., The Art of the
Wallace Collection, L C Page, 1913
SINCLAIR, Upton [1878-1968], Prince Hagen: a
Phantasy, L C Page, 1903
SLEIGHT, Charles L., The Water People, L C Page, 1905
"The Goldenrod Library" edition
SLEIGHT, Mary Breck(1837?-1928), An Island Heroine, Lothrop Publishing, 1898
SMITH, Mary P. Wells [1840-?], The Boy Captive
in Canada, Little, Brown, 1905
SMITH, Mary P. Wells [1840-?], A Jolly Good Summer, Little, Brown, 1902
design as Alcott's My Girls!
SMITH, Mary P. Wells, Their Canoe Trip, Little, Brown, 1905
Same design as Alcott's My Girls!
SOWLE, Henrietta, I Go A-marketing,
Little, Brown, 1900
SPOFFORD, Harriet Prescott [1835-1921], Hester Stanley's Friends, Little, Brown, 1898
SQUIRES, Grace, Peaseblossom and
Mustardseed, Dana Estes, 1906
STEIN, Evaleen, Troubadour Tales, L C Page, 1929
STEPHENS, Robert N., Philip Winwood, L C Page / William Briggs (Toronto), 1900
STEVENS, (Mrs. Susan) Sheppard [1862-1909], I am the King:
Being the Account of Some Happenings . . . ., Little, Brown, 1898
STEVENS, (Mrs. Susan) Sheppard [1862-1909], In the Eagle's
Talon: a Romance of the Louisiana Purchase, Little, Brown, 1902
"STEWARTON", Memoirs
of the Court of St. Cloud (2 vols.), L C Page, 1900
Red "Court Memoir" series binding (part of a 20-volume set)
STODDARD, William O. [1835-1925], Ned, Son of
Webb, Dana Estes, 1900
STODDARD, William O. [1835-1925], The Voyage
of the Charlemagne, Dana Estes, 1902
STONE, Gertrude Lincoln [1867-], and M. Grace Fickett [1871?-], Trees in Prose and Poetry, Ginn, 1902
STOWE, Harriet Beecher [1811-1896], The Story of LIttle Eva, Dana Estes, 1902
Attribution: unsigned ]
STRANG, Lewis C. [1869-1935], Famous Actors of the Day, L C Page, 1899
STRANG, Lewis C. [1869-1935], Famous Actresses
of the Day, L C Page, 1899
STRANG, Lewis C. [1869-1935], Famous Prima Donnas and Soubrettes . . . , L C Page, 1906
[same design as Strang"s Famous Actors of the Day ]
STRANG, Lewis C. [1869-1935], Famous Stars of
Light Opera, L C Page, 1900 (1906)
[same design as Strang"s Famous Actors of the Day]
STRATEMEYER, Edward [1962-1930], The Minute
Boys of Bunker Hill, Dana Estes, 1899
STRATEMEYER, Edward [1962-1930], The Minute Boys
of Lexington, Estes & Lauriat, 1898/L C Page, 1912
SUMMERS, Maud, The Thought Reader, Frank D. Beattys and Co., 1912
TAYLOR, Mary Imlay, My Lady Clancarty, Little, Brown, 1905
TEALL, Gardner C. [1878-?], The Contessa's Sister:
a novel, Houghton, Mifflin, 1911
THOMAS, Reuen [1840-1907], The Kinship
of Souls, Little, Brown, 1899
THOMSON, Edward William [1849-1924], Smoky Days, Crowell, 1896
THOMSON, Edward William [1849-1924], The Young Boss, Crowell, 1896
THRUSTON, Lucy Meacham [1862-?], Jack and His Island, Little, Brown, 1902
THRUSTON, Lucy Meacham [1862-?], Mistress Brent: a Story of Lord Baltimore's Colony in 1638,
Little, Brown, 1901
TOWNSEND, Charles Wendell [1859-1934], Along the Labrador
Coast, Dana Estes, 1907
TOWNSEND, Charles Wendell [1859-1934], Sand Dunes and
Salt Marshes, L C Page, 1913/1925
TRAFTON, Gilbert H. [1874-?], Bird Friends: a
Complete Bird Book for Americans, Houghton Mifflin, 1916
TRUE, John Preston [1859-1933], Morgan's Men, Little, Brown, 1901
TRUE, John Preston [1859-1933], On Guard! Against Tory
and Tarleton, Little, Brown, 1902
TRUE, John Preston [1859-1933], Scouting for Light
Horse Harry, Little, Brown, 1911
WAITE, Victor (pseudonym of George Makgill) [1859-1926], Cross Trails, L C Page, 1898
WARNER, Anne [1869-1913], Susan Clegg and her Friend Mrs. Lathrop, Little, Brown / A L
Burt, 1904
WARNER, Anne [1869-1913], A Woman's Will, Little,
Brown, 1904
WARREN, Mary Bowers, Little Journeys Abroad, Joseph Knight / L. C. Page, 1894
"List of Illustrations" indicates Sacker designed the unsigned cover.
WARREN, Samuel [1807-1877], Ten Thousand A-Year, Little, Brown, c. 1900
WATERS, Clara E. C. [1834-1916], Angels in Art,
L C Page, 1898
Bright blue cloth, dark blue, cream and gilt center panel of an angel, surrounded by border
Leigh, Rich Enough, Roberts Brothers, 1897
WESSELHOEFT, Lily F. [1840-1919], Jerry the Blunderer, Little, Brown, c. 1900
WESSELHOEFT, Lily F. [1840-1919], Sparrow, the Tramp, Little, Brown, 1906
WESTLEY, G. Hembert (ed.) [1865-1936], At the
Court of the King, L C Page, 1900
WHITSON, John Harvey [1854-1936], The Rainbow Chasers: a Story of the Plains, Little, Brown,
WILDMAN, Rounsevelle [1864-1901], Tales of the
Malayan Coast, Lothrop, 1899
WILLIAMS, Eustace, The Substitute
Quarterback, Dana Estes, 1900
WILSON, Sara W. (ed.), Helps by the Way, Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, 1893
WINSLOW, Helen M., Literary Boston of To-day, L C Page, 1902
WINSLOW, Helen M., Little Journeys in Literature, L C Page, 1906
WYLIE, Edna Edwards,
The Ward of the Sewing Circle, Little, Brown, 1905
YOUNG, Filson [1876-1938], When the Tide Turns, Dana Estes, 1908
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