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CAMP, Walter [1859-1925] and Lilian Brooks, Drives
and Puts, L C Page, 1899
CAMPAN, Jeanne-Louise-Henriette [1752-1822], Memoirs
of the Court of Marie Antoinette (2 vols.), L C Page, 1900
Red "Court Memoir" series binding (part of a 20-volume set)
CARLING, John R., The Shadow of the
Czar, Little, Brown, 1902
CARLING, John R., The Weird Picture, Little, Brown, 1905
CARR, Alice Vansittart Strettel [1850-?], The Fairy of the Rhone, L C Page, 1901
Part of the "Goldenrod Library"
CARROLL, Lewis [1832-1898], Through the Looking Glass, Crowell, 1893 (?)
CARRYL, Guy Wetmore [1873-1904], The Garden of Years, G P Putnam's, 1904
CHADWICK, John W. [1840-1904], A Treasury of Helpful
Verse, L C Page, 1906
CHADWICK, John W. [1840-1904] and Annie (Hathaway),
The Lovers’ Treasury of Verse, L C Page, 1910
[same design as Strang titles]
CHADWICK, John W. [1840-1904] and Annie (Hathaway), Out of the Heart: Poems for Lovers Young and Old. L C Page, 1903
CHAMPNEY, Elizabeth W. [1850-1922], Six Boys,
Dana Estes, 1893
CLARK, Francis E. [1851-1927], Old Homes of New Americans, Houghton, Mifflin, 1913
CLARKE, Mary Cowden [1809-1898], The Girlhood
of Shakespeare's Heroines, Dana Estes, 1904
CLEMENT, Clara Erskine -- see WATERS, Clara E. C.
CLYDE, Anna M. and Lillian Wallace, Through the Year (Books One and Two), Silver, Burdett and Co., 1898
COFFIN, Charles [1823-1896], The Boys of '61,
L C Page, 1900
COMSTOCK, Harriet T. [1860-1925?], Tower or Throne: a Romance of the Girlhood of Elizabeth, Little, Brown, 1902
COSTELLO, F. H. (Frederick Hankerson) [1851-1921],
On Fighting Decks in 1812, Dana Estes, 1899
CRAIK, DINAH [1826-1887], Little Sunshine's Holiday, Crowell, 1901
[ Attribution: unsigned ]
CROMPTON, Frances E., Gatty and
I, L C Page, 1901
Part of the
"Goldenrod Library"
CROWLEY, Mary C. [?-1920], A Daughter of New France, Little, Brown / Musson (Toronto), 1901
CROWLEY, Mary C. [?-1920], The Heroine of the
Strait, Little, Brown, 1902
CULLUM, Ridgwell [1867-1943] (pseudonym of Sidney Groves Burghard), The Story of the Foss River Ranch, L C Page/A
L Burt, 1903
CULLUM, Ridgwell [1867-1943] (pseudonym of Sidney Groves Burghard), The Watchers of the Plains, Copp, Clark (Toronto), 1908
CURTIES, Henry [1860-1928], The Queen's Gate Mystery, Dana Estes, 1908
CYR, Ellen M. [d. 1920], Advanced First Reader ("Art Series"), Ginn and Co.,
CYR, Ellen M. [d. 1920], Cyr's Graded Art Readers (Books 1, 2 and 3), Ginn and Co.,
DAUDET, Alphonse, The Nabob, Little, Brown, 1898
Part of the multi-volume "The Novels and Romances of Alphonse Daudet: Handy
Library Edition"
DAWES, Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth, Colonial Massachusetts, Silver, Burdett, 1899 (1900)
DAWSON, A. J. (1872-1952), The Message, Dana Estes, 1907
DAYOT, Armand [1856-1934], Beautiful Women in Art, L C Page, 1901
[same design as Strang titles] Covers women "from the earliest times to the end of the 17th century"
DAYOT, Armand [1856-1934], Famous Beauties in
Art, L C Page, 1901
[same design as Strang titles] Covers women "from the beginning of the 18th century to the present day"
DEVEREUX, Mary [?-1914], Lafitte of Louisiana,
Little, Brown, 1902
DEVEREUX, Mary [?-1914], Up and Down the Sands
of Gold, Little, Brown, 1901
[ Attribution: unsigned ]
DEWEY, Byrd Spilman [1856-1942] (i.e., Julia Spilman Dewey), Bruno, Little, Brown, 1899
DILLINGHAM, Frances Bent [1869-1942], A Christmas
Tree Scholar and Other Stories, Crowell, 1900
DODD, Anna Bowman [1855-1929], The American Husband
in Paris, Little, Brown, 1901
DODD, Anna Bowman [1855-1929], Cathedral Days: a Tour in Southern England, Little, Brown,
DORR, Julia C. R. [1825-1913], In Kings' Houses:
a Romance of the Days of Queen Anne, L C Page, 1898
DROMGOOLE, Will Allen [1860-1934], The Farrier's Dog and his Fellow, L C Page,
DROMGOOLE, Will Allen [1860-1934], The Fortunes
of the Fellow, L C Page, 1898/1913
DROMGOOLE, Will Allen [1860-1934], Hero-Chums, Estes and Lauriat, 1898
DRUMMOND, Hamilton [1857-1935], Seigneur de Beaufoy, L C Page, 1902
DRYSDALE, William, Cadet Standish of the St. Louis, W. A. Wilde, 1899
Attribution: unsigned ]
DU HAUSSET, Mme. de [1720?-?], Memoirs of the
Courts of Louis XV and XVI (2 vols.), L C Page, 1899
Red "Court Memoir" series binding (part of a 20-volume set)
DUCREST, Georgette [?-1882?], Memoirs of the
Court of the Empress Josephine (3 vols.), L C Page, 1900
Red "Court
Memoir" series binding (part
of a 20-volume set)
DUMAS, Alexandre [1802-1870], Marguerite de Valois, L C Page, 1904
DUNN, Martha Baker [1848-1915], Memory Street, L C Page, 1900
DUNN, Martha Baker [1848-1915], The Sleeping
Beauty: a Modern Version, L C Page, 1898
EDWARDS, Amelia B. [1831-1892], A Thousand Miles up the Nile, L C Page, 1897
ELIOT, Henrietta R. [1845-?], Laura's
Holidays, Lothrop Publishing, 1898
ELLIS, Edward S. [1840-1916], From Low to High Gear, Dana Estes, 1906
ELLIS, Edward S. [1840-1916], The Lost Dragon,
Dana Estes, 1907
ELLIS, Edward S. [1840-1916], The P. Q. and G., or "As the Twig is Bent the Tree's Inclined", Dana Estes, 1908
ELLIS, Edward S. [1840-1916], Patriot and Tory, Dana Estes, 1904
ELLIS, Edward S. [1840-1916], Plucky Jo, Dana Estes, 1905
ELLIS, Edward S. [1840-1916], True Blue, Dana
Estes, 1903
ELSON, Arthur [1873-1940], Orchestral Instruments
and Their Use, L C Page, 1902
ENNIS, Luna May, Music in Art, L C
Page, 1903
EWING, Juliana Horatia [1841-1885], A Great Emergency, L C Page, 1897
EWING, Juliana Horatia [1841-1885], Jackanapes, Little, Brown, 1904 (?)
EWING, Juliana Horatia [1841-1885], Jan of the Windmill, Little, Brown, 1902
EWING, Juliana Horatia [1841-1885], The Story of a Short Life, L C Page, 1894
FARMER, Fannie Merritt [1857-1815], Food and Cookery for the Sick and Convalescent, Little,
Brown, 1904
Edward [1809-1883], The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, L C Page, 1898
Edward [1809-1883], The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, Little,
Brown, 1901
GALLIZIER, Nathan [1866-1927], Castel del Monte, L C Page, 1905
[ Attribution:
unsigned ]
GARVEY, Ina, A Comedy of Mammon, Dana Estes, 1908
GAUTIER, Théophile [1811-1872], Captain Fracasse, L C Page,
1897 (2 vols.)
GAYLEY, Charles Mills [1858-1932], Classic Myths in English Literature, Ginn and Co., 1900
GIFFORD, Augusta Hale [1841-1915], Germany, Her People and their Story, Lothrop, 1899
GRANT, Jeannette A., Miss Gray’s Girls,
L C Page, 1907 (?)
Originally published by Joseph Knight, 1893
GRIER, Sydney C. (pseudonym of Hilda
Caroline Gregg) [ 1868-1933], The Prince of the Captivity, L C Page, 1902
HAGGARD, Andrew [1854-1923], Silver Bells, L C Page, 1905
HALE, Edward Everett [1822-1909], The Man Without
a Country, Estes & Lauriat, 1898
HALE, Edward Everett [1822-1909], The Man Without
a Country, Dana Estes, 1899
HALL, Florence Howe [1845-1922], Flossy's Play-Days,
Dana Estes, 1906
HAMLIN, Myra Sawyer, Nan in the City, Little, Brown, 1902(?)
HAMLIN, Myra Sawyer, Nan's Chicopee Children, Little, Brown, 1900
HARKINS, Edward Francis [1872-?], Famous Authors (Men),
L C Page, 1901
[same design as Strang titles] Oval paste-on illustration [Twain] surrounded by gilt border and flowers
HARKINS, Edward Francis [1872-?], Famous Authors (Women),
L C Page, 1901
[same design as Strang titles] Oval paste-on illustration surrounded by gilt border and flowers
HARLAND, Marion, (ie., Mary Virginia Terhune) [1830-1922], When Grandmamma was Fourteen, Lothrop Publishing, 1905
HARLAND, Marion (ie . Mary Virginia
Terhune ) [1830-1922], When Grandmamma was New, Lothrop Publishing, 1899
HARRIS, Linnie Sarah, Sweet Peggy, Little, Brown, 1904
HARRISON, Joseph Le Roy [1862-?], Cap and Gown:
some college verse, L C Page, 1893
HELLIS, Nellie, Little King Davie, L C Page, 1905
HERRICK, Christine Terhune [1849-1944], Sunday Night Suppers, Dana Estes, 1907
HOLDEN, Edward [1846-1914], The Sciences: a Reading
Book for Children, Ginn and Co, 1903
HOLLAND, Rupert Sargent [1878-1952], The Count
at Harvard, L C Page, 1906
HOPE, Ethel Penman [?-1958], The Ways of the
Heart, Musson (Toronto), 1910
Same design as A Daughter
of New France.
HOPKINS, William John [1863-1926], Burbury Stoke, Houghton Mifflin, 1914
HOPKINS, William J., The Clammer, Houghton
Mifflin, 1906
HOPKINS, William J. The Clammer and the Submarine, Houghton Mifflin, 1917
HOPKINS, William J., Concerning Sally, Houghton Mifflin, 1912
[ Attribution: unsigned ] This title may be Sacker's. Some elements of her work on other Hopkins titles appear here, though not all.
HOPKINS, William J., Old Harbor, Houghton
Mifflin, 1909
HOPKINS, William J., Tumbleberry and Chick, Houghton
Mifflin, 1925
HULBERT, Archer B. [1873-1933], The Queen of Quelparte,
Little, Brown, 1902
INGRAHAM, Prentiss [1843-1904], The Girl Rough
Riders, Dana Estes, 1903
IRVING, Fannie Belle, Six Girls: a
Home Story, Dana Estes, 1903
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