We have identified over 350 books whose covers were created by Amy Sacker. Not 350 different designs, however, because several were reused over and over. [ See this page for one example.] Below, we will present covers which contain elements of Amy's work, produced, in many cases, by publishers for whom she had done other designs. We think they could be by Amy.
Little, Brown, 1904.
Dana Estes, 1905 (the garland design is very familiar)
Little, Brown, 1900 (faces and lettering quite similar)
W. A. Wilde, 1899 (clouds like these are seen elsewhere in Amy's work)
Little, Brown, 1900
Thomas Crowell, 1902 (Apparently, the only book Ulrich ever wrote). My thanks to the Rare Book Collection at Columbia University for this scarce image!
Dana Estes, 1900
Little, Brown, 1902
?? (Not in WorldCat !)
Thomas Crowell, 1901 (Amy did two dozen covers for Otis books)
Little, Brown, 1899
Little, Brown, 1906 (author's name very similar to signed covers)
Little, Brown, 1901. (Similar to some Alcott covers)
Little, Brown, 1905.
Little, Brown, 1899
Little, Brown, 1900
[ by JM Barrie, of Peter Pan fame !] Joseph Knight, 1896
Little, Brown, 1903
American Book Company, 1906
Little, Brown, 1905
Dana Estes, 1900
L. C. Page, 1898
Dana Estes, 1901. (Bonehill is a pseudonym for Edward Stratemeyer)
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