The King of the Golden River (1898)


Golden River "Contents"              AS monogram  Golden River                Golden River "Illustrations"

These designs first appeared in about 1893 or 1894.   (The  "Contents" design later appeared in gilt on the cover of Charles Kingsley's Westward Ho! . It also became the headpiece for the "Introduction" to  In Distance and In Dream)..

And, most recently, I found it used on a "Save the Date" invitation for December, 2013 !! Apparently you can purchase  this image at It costs $1.50 !!


Other titles, nearly all in the "Cosy Corner" series, with one or both of these headpieces include:                  

       (a Link indicates other illustrations or a  cover design  for the work)




Alice E. Allen, Joe, the Circus Boy, L. C. Page, 1911 

Evelyn Snead Barnett, Jerry's Reward, L. C. Page, 1902 

Edna Brainerd. Millicent in Dreamland, L. C. Page, 1903

Charles E. Brimblecom, An Archer with Columbus, Joseph Knight, 1893
reissued as
Charles E. Brimblecom, The Young Archer, L. C. Page, 1898

John Brown, Rab and his friends, Joseph Knight, 1895

A. Comyns [Alice Vansittart Strettel] Carr, The Fairy of the Rhone, L. C. Page, 1901

Thomas M. Clark, John Whopper, the Newsboy, L. C. Page, 1905

Dinah Craik, ("Miss Mulock"), The Adventures of a Brownie,  L. C. Page, 1896

Dinah Craik, ("Miss Mulock"), His Little Mother, Joseph Knight/L. C. Page, 1895

Frances E.Crompton, Gatty and I, L. C. Page, 1901

Grace W. Curran, A Seventh Daughter, L. C. Page, 1903

      Alphonse Daudet, La Belle Nivernaise,  Joseph Knight, 1895

Frances J. Delano, Susanne, L. C. Page, 1902

Charles Dickens, A Child's Dream of a Star . . . ,  L. C. Page, 1902/1910

Will Allen Dromgoole, The Fortunes of the Fellow, L. C. Page, 1913

Will Allen Dromgoole, The Best of Friends, L. C. Page, 1904

Martha Baker Dunn, The Sleeping Beauty: a Modern Version, L. C. Page, 1898

     Juliana Horatia Ewing, A Great Emergency,  L. C. Page, 1897 

      Juliana Horatia Ewing, Jackanapes, L. C. Page, 1895 

Juliana Horatia Ewing, Madam Liberality, L. C. Page, 1901

Juliana Horatia Ewing, Snap-Dragons and Other Stories, Caldwell, 1896

Juliana Horatia Ewing, The Story of a Short Life, Joseph Knight, 1894

Juliana Horatia Ewing, The Trinity Flower and Other Stories,   L. C. Page, 1897

      Frances Margaret Fox,  Betty of Old Mackinaw,  L. C. Page, 1901

   Frances Margaret Fox,  Brother Billy, L. C. Page, 1904
[Thanks to Grand Valley State University Libraries, Special Collections]

Frances Margaret Fox, Farmer Brown and the Birds, L. C. Page, 1900

Frances Margaret Fox,  How Christmas Came to the Mulvaneys, L. C. Page, 1905

Frances Margaret Fox,  The Little Giant's Neighbors, L. C. Page, 1904

Frances Margaret Fox,  Mother Nature's Little Ones, L. C. Page, 1903

Caroline Emilia Jacobs, Bab's Christmas at Stanhope, L. C. Page, 1914

      Annie Fellows Johnston, Aunt Liza's Hero,  L. C. Page, 1903

     Annie Fellows Johnston, Big Brother,  Joseph Knight, 1893

Annie Fellows Johnston, Cicely, and Other Stories, l. C. Page, 1902

     Annie Fellows Johnston, The Giant Scissors, L. C. Page, 1898

Annie Fellows Johnston, The Little Colonel, L. C. Page, 1895

Annie Fellows Johnston, Mildred's Inheritance, L. C. Page, 1906

     Annie Fellows Johnston, Ole Mammy's Torment, L. C. Page, 1897

Annie Fellows Johnston, The Quilt that Jack Built, L. C. Page, 1904

Annie Fellows Johnston, The Story of Dago, L. C. Page, 1900

     Annie Fellows Johnston, Two Little Knights of Kentucky, L. C. Page, 1899

William J. Long, The making of Zimri Bunker, L. C. Page, 1899

Pauline Bradford Mackie, The Flight of Rosy Dawn, L. C. Page, 1902

Richard Mansfield, The Adventures of Beatrice and Jessie, L. C. Page, 1900

Lillie Fuller Merriam, Jenny and Tito, L. C. Page, 1914

Ouida, The Nürnberg Stove,  L. C. Page, 1897

Ouida, Findelkind,  L. C. Page, 1901

Kate Whiting Patch, Prince Yellowtop, L. C. Page, 1903

Mary Knight Potter, Peggy's Trial,  L. C. Page, 1901

E. Livingstone Prescott, A Small, Small Child, L. C. Page, 1901
[Thanks to Katie Devine, Reference Librarian at the Boston Public Library]

Charles G. D. Roberts, The Cruise of the Yacht "Dido", L. C. Page, 1906

Charles G. D. Roberts, The Young Acadian, L. C. Page, 1907

     Edith Robinson, A Little Daughter of Liberty,  L. C. Page, 1899 

Edith Robinson, A Little Puritan Bound Girl, L. C. Page, 1903

Edith Robinson, A Little Puritan Cavalier, L. C. Page, 1905

Edith Robinson, A Little Puritan Pioneer, L. C. Page, 1901 

Edith Robinson, A Little Puritan Rebel, L. C. Page, 1896

     Edith Robinson,  A Little Puritan's First Christmas, L. C. Page, 1900

Edith Robinson, A Puritan Knight Errant, L. C. Page, 1902 

Marshall Saunders, For His Country, and Grandmother and the Crow, L. C. Page, 1900

Charles Lee Sleight, The Prince of the Pin Elves ,
L. C. Page, 1897

Charles Lee Sleight, The Water people, L. C. Page, 1900

Robert Louis Stevenson, Will O' the Mill, Joseph Knight, 1895/ L. C. Page, 1900

Anthony Trollope, Christmas at Thompson Hall, Joseph Knight, 1894

Laura Updegraff, Wee Dorothy, Joseph Knight, 1895/ L. C. Page, 1898

Frances Hodges White, Aunt Nabby's Children, L. C. Page, 1901

Frances Hodges White, Helena's Wonderworld, L. C. Page, 1900

Marian Wildman, Loyalty Island, L. C. Page, 1904

Marian Wildman, Theodore and Theodora, L. C. Page, 1905

Oscar Wilde, The Young King/The Star-Child, Joseph Knight/L. C. Page, 1895

Jane Scott Woodruff,  The Little Christmas Shoe, L.C. Page, 1903


[ I would like to thank all the librarians around the country, including most recently Colleen Barrett of the Lilly Library, Indiana University, Kris McKusker in Special Collections at the University of Colorado at Boulder, Gwen Vanderhage at the Denver Public Library, Lin Doversberger at the University of Notre Dame, Cara Gilgenbach at Kent State University, Maureen Brunsdale at Illinois State University, and the staff at the University of Chicago Libraries, who have helped me to develop this list. Without assistance from colleagues like these, this project would be a far more difficult enterprise!]


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